Stratus Express Connect is a cloud service solution that makes it easy to establish a dedicated network connection from your premise or Stratus MultiLinQ core to several cloud providers. Using Express Connect, you can establish private connectivity between a variety of providers including; Amazon, Microsoft, Google - and your datacenter, offices, or collocation environment. In many cases this can help to reduce network costs, increase performance, add security, and provide a more consistent network experience.
Key Advantages
Private Connectivity
High speed, low latency bandwidth, directly to your cloud provider or datacenter of choice.
Easily expand and upgrade your bandwidth as your needs change or business evolves.
No need to rely on an open Internet connection or VPN to access your cloud services.
Consistent Performance
Network latency over the Internet can vary at any time. You design the proper bandwidth to effectively run your applications, and it’s dedicated.
Working with the Stratus engineering team to design this solution is very unassuming, with a user-friendly interface.